You are the blue ranger!!
I solved the case.
Happy Halloween. This flash has haunted me to complete it. enjoy.
You are the blue ranger!!
I solved the case.
I'm on it, Zordon! ISMORPHANTIME!!!!!
Heads falling from the tree! Demon blood-raping girls! What else is there to say??
This rocks! XD
Go go power ranger!
ne, kisu shite.
It was alright kinda wierd, but hey it's in the spirit of Halloween. 5/10
because im nice
lol. it was worth the wait :D
im spiderman D<!
I told you, frand!
Did you by any chance...
Rush it? It looked and sounded unfinished and rushed. There was no sound at the end, and the voices that were used werent clear. I thought the beginning was funny, with spiderman doing the robot and all, but the rest was kindve dumb.
I burnt my tooth eating pizza rolls.