good job man! This was great and great graphics and action scenes!!!
This time it is about a stick breaking into enemy base to steal the mysterious Cakez0Or. Watch and rate. C&C is welcome ;)
I know that i need to improve at:
-Avoiding resizing
-Making some more interesting bgs
-Making animation a lil' more smooth.
good job man! This was great and great graphics and action scenes!!!
dude i didn't even hear the music only when the flash started and finished lolz the archer thing was just rofl XD
amazing ^^
i Believe in tha Cake! smooth dude, and i LOVED the smiley, i really had a big laugh on this especially the part where you see the stickman watching his friend getting pwned and with the "O.o" "-_-" "o.O" "=((" XD great, truly AWESOME, tha cake rulez!
very cool and smooth animation!
I liked it!
i love the slow-mo or whateva effect you got going on here its soo cool. HURRY and make the next one i cant wait!!!
btw perhaps you should make the cake more appealing to steal it looks so wonky. peace!
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
Do you doubt the worthness of tha cake..?