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Brain Food

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Author Comments

This is based on the first short story I ever wrote.

The soundtrack is composed of all original sound made and recorded by collaborator Matt Greenwood and myself. It's most effective if set at an adequate volume.

I'm interested in any thoughts you have, please post them.

Thanks for watching.

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I recall I saw the thumbnail of this animation many years ago, soon after you posted it. I recall it had a description or tagline saying something like "eat your veggies", and the thumbnail was the face of the main character. Back then I was a child, and too scared to even watch it, but the memory of the thumbnail and description stuck forever with me, and would pop up ever so often. Almost 14 years later, the memory came back to me and I decided to track this down and finally watch it. I logged back into this account I had abandoned more than a decade ago for just that purpose.
Having finally watched it, it feels quite weird, not just because of the content of the animation itself, but because of the meaning that was developed along the years from a mere chance encounter my child self had with the thumbnail of this animation.
It is a weird feeling, hard to describe, but maybe you will understand it. Perhaps it's similar to the feeling you might be getting reading this (if you ever do), for an animation you made almost 14 years ago, from a random child in a small town in a remote country, who had to grow up into an adult before daring to finally watch this.
I wasn't disappointed.


Abstract art.

Erm.. what

Sorry didnt do it for me. I see ur going down the creepy salad fingers limited animation, slow action style, but just didnt seem very good. i mean the animation, or the sound design, or plot. It seemed more like you were aiming for the gore and shock value without a basic grasp of animation, or flash.

It worked for me..

The thing you've got to understand (as I'm sure you do) is that shorts like these appeal to only a certain branch of audience. Therefore, when you get someone slating the choppy animation or the fact that "it made little sense to me" you know they aren't your audience.
This is a very experimental, dark piece of art. The music (if it could be called that) really sets the atmosphere here, and almost serves as the adhesive in terms of this piece's structure.
I was disturbed, yet very entertained. Good job!

What... The... Hell...

It's ok... I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyways...

Credits & Info

3.41 / 5.00

Oct 31, 2008
3:36 AM EDT