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First off i wanna say that i took all advice from the last flash and made a better one. It was at first meant to be in color but because of the size and no response from Tom to get an exception, i had to compress it with a third party compressor and it turned out to be black and white, but idk...it seems kinda cool that way. I also had drawn it originally in flash mx(not even 2004) so i didnt have the luxury of smoothness but now i have cs3 so stay tuned for more flashes with smoothness! (now that i think about it, may thats why it was such a big file size....)

To see this video in color go here http://www.veoh.com/video s/v16310615mnNHjn32

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Flippin Sweet.

Very cool style you have here, it's like you threw DBZ, Trigun, and FLCL into a blender and dumped the contents onto a sketchbook. If that makes any sense, lol.

I do like the black and white style here too.. Although I definitely recommend to others the colored version as well.. I like both.

5/5, 10/10, and faved. I look forward to more from ya in the future.

4/5, 7/10

Overall it was good, but some of the scenes I just couldn't get a feel for what was going on.

Props for using a Gitaroo Man track.


But why DBZ?I mean I like dbz but the confusion between the toons is...First you have some fight then dbz and then some random devil comes.You should improve your drawing skills.Everything else is great.And work on the movement.

Looks familiar

Take the bald headed guy from Vash the stampede, the Elric brothers, The main character from Yojimbo i believe it is called, the guitar from bullet witch or guilty gear for the fans and the pirate king atimus or is it animus and that pretty much sums up this flash. A coincidence I think not. Still a good flash though. I found it funny that the elric wannabees lost even with all that power lol.

kojitia responds:

lol this was and indeed is a complete coincedence! i had character ideas for characters like this way back before FMA came out. (when i was like 13 and i modeled the main character from DBZ's trunks since he was my favorite character.) Trigun is old and played out and the guitar dude is modeled after a freind of mines who loves guitar lol.

sorry if the coincidence's strike you as plagerising.

Great flash

should be front page

kojitia responds:


Credits & Info

3.75 / 5.00

Oct 23, 2008
3:47 PM EDT