nice twist
haha I didn't expect that to happen in a back and white cartoon. it seems a little too short though.
Everyone loves those old timey, no talkie, black and whitie cartoons, right? ...right?
nice twist
haha I didn't expect that to happen in a back and white cartoon. it seems a little too short though.
You will spend the rest of your life thoroughly bamboozled! Zounds! Spot on mate, spot on.
Good old 1800's...
Wow, that was alot more funny than it sounded. Congrats.
Fantastic presentation
This was a great piece; I enjoyed the visuals, they just made this a joy to watch. I found the animation smooth and the soundtrack fitting. Overall I found that my only complaint would be that it ended slightly abruptly, I was expecting some sort of gag. Keep up the good work!