Origami is my passion!
I've always done origami since the very first day I saw paper, this stop motion very opened my mind and I'm now going to try making fine things like you have done.
Thanks alot!
-al3xx productions
Everything even the audio in this is made by me :) :) i tought i'd play wwith paper this time..15 seconds, so itsa short!
Origami is my passion!
I've always done origami since the very first day I saw paper, this stop motion very opened my mind and I'm now going to try making fine things like you have done.
Thanks alot!
-al3xx productions
Didn't find this very creative. Seemed like randomly folded paper, and a paper airplane. Nothing all to exciting there.
This lacks planning. You folded paper up randomly, took some pics, and made garbage. I failed to understand why its called "paper tricks" where was the trick? anyone can fold up paper into nothing and throw it away.
I agree with thousandgunner
I think a little more and it would be a cool submission
Good music btw :)
Honestly I thought it was cool, but none of the papers you were making actually turned out to be anything other than thrown out, and introducing a new piece. Make another one but actually turn it into something that you can keep on screen and use throughout the movie.