Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Machine themed flesh. Graphics are the best thing here and are very visually appealing. Gameplay is pretty much lacking as there is nothing really going on. If you added lots of content and action then this would be improved.


So this was notbad I am enjoying all the color and animatin allthough the bland backround could have something added within it, there wa not much to do with this particular game, it was still pretty entertaining so nice job all the way around.

the bland backround could have something added within it


Good animation, but that's it. I don't see a point to it all.


^^Good Points^^
This is pretty cool actually. Everything in this game is pretty abstract, but it's really quite interesting. The animations were the best in this, and the drawings were kind of neat as well.

^^Needs Improving^^
There really isn't much to do in this game. You can click on stuff, but that is about all, and once you click on something, the action happens, and then we are done with that. It doesn't effect anything else or really cause anything to happen. This needs to be more interactive with actually some kind of goal involved.

It needed to have something happening in it.

Nothing happened, some guy went on a weird machine thing, then there were loads of things you could click on and various random things would happen, but all that happened was you got to see some text some images of outlines and at the end the machine blew up, you should have some sort of interesting things happening when you clicked on the various parts of the machine as then they'd have been some sort of thing happening in it that was interesting. You also needed to have some sound, as it just seemed really odd that the whole thing was silent.

Peace Out, Afro Stud


Credits & Info

2.62 / 5.00

Aug 14, 2000
8:14 AM EDT