pretty good
this kinda reminded me of stick figures on crack. made laugh a little. i liked the part when the gamers got made at the one guy and threw their controllers. like to see more from u.
my first real non-sprite animation although it may have sprites at the end that was just for fun but anyway enjoy the movie by the way soz about the button at the end the actionscript screwed up at the last minute and i couldn't fix it
edit: here is a link to stickman shorts 2 its on deviant and i would've uploaded it to newgrounds if i hadn't lost the file but just have to say graphically its way better than number 1 but the ideas are terrible :( but anyways have a look if you want and yes i am using a different username on deviant
pretty good
this kinda reminded me of stick figures on crack. made laugh a little. i liked the part when the gamers got made at the one guy and threw their controllers. like to see more from u.
yay u sed it was like stick figures on crack i doubt im as good as pivotmaster but if u want more i gives u more. oh and the guy getting hit with the controller is my friend andrew u may have seen in credits that he kick our ass at brawl all the time so i thought it would be funny to recreate how we feel lol anyways thanks for the support :D
not bad
it had its funny parts. i enjoyed the guy getting hit in the nuts with a rock. (i lol'd)
Great, but I noticed 1 thing, though... This flash ani. is extremely similar to another flash I've seen before..... Whatever... Nice
A general Stickdeath film with a sprte ending
Not terrible, but not exactly front-page material either, this Cartoon would benifit greatly from more time being put into the graphical end of things, while i understand it was a stickman movie, a more graphically advanced cartoon would do much better in the ratings.
A nice little animation.