lemme just say, pretty good 4 a first. its better than some of the other crap we got on ere from "experienced" flash artists. for that, u get 8.5, but 9 is better.
what happens when you fuse boredom, flash mx, wierd stick figures, and soda together? apparently this! took me 9 hours to make (shut up i'm a bit new to flash mx) i hope you all enjoy :) i enjoyed making it. YES, the drawings do suck. YES, the beeping can get annoying. but i was rather bored when making this.... this is my first flash! please be nice :/
lemme just say, pretty good 4 a first. its better than some of the other crap we got on ere from "experienced" flash artists. for that, u get 8.5, but 9 is better.
ty :D
boredom+ flash mx+ stick figures+ soda= excellence
This my firend is a work of art. When I scan the countless archives of newgrounds I am constantly looking for potential and I am obliged to say that you have the most potential I have ever seen. This was truelly a very funny piece, short, punchy, witty in terms of humour, there was a substantial amount on show here. What is even more impressive is, that this is your first piece, which proves that you have clear raw potential and you are truly one of the unsung heroes of newgrounds. Obviously the drawings were not top rate by any means, however I believed that the scruffy style used here complimented the humour nicely. Although this was random, there was a sense of purpose about what you created, so if this is something put together half arsed I can't wait to see your work in the future.
I wait eagerly for your next submition....You have the potential to go far!
thank you :)
I know it's your first flash and everything so I'll take that excuse. But still buff up your graphic skills, things might look a whole lot better the next time you submit something.
like i said before, i was bored when making this, so i didnt concentrate too much on the drawings
was weird but it made me laugh so 6/10 3/5
Its not that bad, some of the scene are funny randomness some other suck. Maybe if the whole thing looked a bit better it would increase your score. So i think you should keep the good ideas, and get better in drawing/animating if you want to make it. Keep it up.
i was bored when making this, so i didnt concentrate too much on the drawings