Love it
Very, Very, nice keep it up!
My final project for Digital Animation I. The initial plot was a result of sleep deprivation mixed with me being completely unprepared to pitch my final project. I decided to roll with it and with a little help from some very talented voice actors, my project evolved (or devolved depending on how you want to look at it) into more then I could have hoped it to be. This class was my first time working in flash and on animation in general and despite its technical flaws I hope you all enjoy it.
Also the website in the credits no longer works. I used to have a webcomic but that kind of fell through the cracks.
Love it
Very, Very, nice keep it up!
it was a great idea, wimpy gay devil n the ghost of lenin, but maybe you were too amitious with it, the animation was kinda basic in parts and the audio was lower quality than alot of other stuff on here but the dialogue was good, and everyone wants to kill robin, so smart move with that.
considering this was your first flash project its awesome, much better than anything i ever did.
WAY too long i couldn't even finish it but other wise it was goo
not bad
that was pretty funny. hope there more.
The nice mix.
Kool zelda theme music, nice hunting adventure, and charcters u had as partners. does need some upgrading.