No way could this possibly be so awesome.
This was to amazing for me to express in words, but this is a review, so allow me to attempt it.
Firstly, the preloader. Use of Mavis was inspiring. All motions of the face were done so perfectly, the mouth ACTUALLY moved with the loading.
Then the flash, first impressions were stunning when i heard the choice in music. How did you think of such beauty? I have heard the song before of course, but the way you introduced it was nothing short of inspirational.
Then, the real flash...began...
The text flashed up, faster than a Speeding Mavis, it showed me the words to such a wondrous song.
Then Mavis herself appeared. Utilising the greatest in flash technology, you left me stunned as my screen showed me whatcan only be describes as multiple orgasms in the form of flash.
This was a flashterpiece, an epic collaboration of taent, wit, humour and justice.
T3hparty has once again stunned me.