WAY Too True
1000% true. It's sad when you pick a vice-presidential candidate, based solely on the fact that you want to one-up your opponent because they "dared" to be black, and not because they're qualified for the job. I mean, McSame has bashed Obama for not having enough experience for the job, and yet, the moron picks a vice-presidential candidate with only about 10 years of political experience on the LOCAL LEVEL only, and only 2 years as Alaska's governor. ALASKA, people; a state that basically is useless, in terms of national and international affairs. And, do we really want 4 more years of what we've had the past 8 since Bush had the 2000 election stolen for him? Only total retards would say yes, and apparently, a lot already have.
By the way, I'm not saying that Obama/Biden are really right for the job, either. Obama does way too much wishful thinking, and though I hate McSame, I do agree that yes, Obama doesn't really have enough experience to effectively lead the free world. And, Biden has been part of the problem in Washington for about 35 years, and yet, Obama picks him as the "change we need in Washington?" C'mon now.
Yeah, THIS is what we have as "legitimate" choices in November, people, because no one else running has even half a chance of getting elected. Either way, we're fucking SCREWED.