Cute And Funny
Haha this was cute funny and... Just plain great I loved it I can't wait for the next episode :)
Hey! Ive recently started making a site with a friend where weve been publishing our animations and games. Recently I started making small comic strips to put on the site. Well, I took the comic one step further, and made it a flash. I hope to create a small series involving these characters, as well as others I shall introduce along the track.
I reccommend you check out the original comic this flash is based on 2 =D
*Edit* Recently Improved!!
Cute And Funny
Haha this was cute funny and... Just plain great I loved it I can't wait for the next episode :)
thanks alot for the support =D
I cant wait for the next episode either :S just need to wait for some fresh ideas to hit me.
just lettin u know i re-vamped episode 1, so if u liked it the first time u should see it now XD
Thanks for the review!
ehh, ok.
It was ok, but I suggest some music next time.
That was amusing. There wasn't much in the animation department, but I could see you weren't going for that. I heh'd a couple times, especially when he took the dog out of the bin.
Little note about screaming. It's obvious you didn't want to make noise in your house so you just breathed into the mic, and honestly it sounds really bad. Just scream if you're going to scream.
haha, yea, it was 3 in da mornin so i couldnt scream :P well... ive changed it now anyways. Thanks for the advice =D
Aniamtion: simple. isnt much more to describe it, nothing really flashy.
Sound: needs ALOT of work, it was very quiet i had to max my speakers to just be able to hear them talking. you need music and sound effects too, those help move your story along.
Artwork: same as your animation, simple. not anything really wrong with simplicity but nothing eye-catching either.
Story: slow and kinda boring. i couldnt even find myself cracking a smile watching it, which sucks becuase i wanted to like it. your flash only really has 2 jokes in it and neither of them are original.
Overall: if you can fix your sound issues and come up with a decent storyline i think this would be good, your artwork and animation are simple but that can be polished with more experiance.