you made the pinks loli wrong its supposed to be red and white
*EDIT: Lol :) my icon i made for this tutorial is now the icon for the castle crashers collection! wicked :)
Please be patient with the loading! Its loading the tutorial and a music player with Castle Crasher songs!
This is my tutorial on how to draw a basic Castle Crasher and from this tutorial you will be able to adapt it so you can make different, new and exciting Castle Crashers! NOT TRACED btw :) i start from a square so how can it be traced!?!? and if u look i start from scratch cos the head i demonstrate with, turns out different than the first one i showed! Im am just very detailed and this and practiced alot!
Don't hesitate to leave a review or ask any questions. Also take a look at my page for a topic where you can ask questions and discuss good ol' Castle Crashers!
I also apologise with any mistakes and i hope everything works... including the advert!
I hope this tutorial helps! :)
P.S Special thanks to my flash buddy Josh! (KingMushroom).
Also my Email is .uk so you can send me your castle crasher pics :)
you made the pinks loli wrong its supposed to be red and white
I love this! it is a very good tutorial and I am going to use this over any others!:)
wow thanks man!
Good tutorial, now i know to draw castle crashers much better than was do. 5 stars!
Thank You Man, I Sucked At Drawing C.Crashers, Thx To U I Draw Em Better