those chaos cystols are way to fat! lol
Looks like itll be cool, but ive seen some wicked awesome videos of sonic, mostly ones that are Sprites though so this should be intresting!
This is one of my first intros since i got flash 8
those chaos cystols are way to fat! lol
Looks like itll be cool, but ive seen some wicked awesome videos of sonic, mostly ones that are Sprites though so this should be intresting!
lol in the game they are clled chaos gems
...It dosent say much whats about it...but it might be good....
This is pretty good, is it supposed to be based on tales of symphonia? Because it looks like it might be a good movie, or game.
Could use some improvement on the animation
but i liking the tales of symphonia music
i know i need sme improovement thou XD