Basic pair of widgets, though I think I've seen the gravity ball before a few times. Not impressive by any means, and the music was too loud for my tastes.
You mean 2?
Anyways you have a gravuty ball thing and a Explosion thing... if you need any help on how to make these just email me... Ill tell ya.
Wow ur my hero CaRl!
Basic pair of widgets, though I think I've seen the gravity ball before a few times. Not impressive by any means, and the music was too loud for my tastes.
you lucked out
your lucky because of that music and it is pretty cool.
i like the music and gravity ball a little, but the other one suck and it took way to fucking long to load for just that.
Took a agonizingly long while to load. Just enough to have my hopes up, actually. I like the ball thingy, but I believe the Word Explosion hangs out too much at the bottom of the screen after it..well, explodes.
actually i liked it :)
make a sound compression please your file its too big for just THIS , the explosion effect wasnt good , but i liked the gravity ball , youl could make a little tenis game with it tough :)