my i stick my stick up your sticks whole?
cuz i would really like to since i heart you and your animation so much
Waste Of Your Time - Episode One; "The End Of The World"
How do you think the world will end?
Author's Note: I am NOT going for high animation quality, so don't bother looking for it.
edit: Made a few audio updates.
my i stick my stick up your sticks whole?
cuz i would really like to since i heart you and your animation so much
That's awfully nice of you.
Another great movie! I like your sense of humor.
Animation could be improved, but I know you don't actually work very hard on these.
BOREING but i liked it dont ask me why just did
I love you, too.
I actually liked the monologue about the end of the world....
The sound was too loud and distorted in parts. The monologue was quiet and maybe a little muffled, but it was intelligible. And it did give the effect that you were listening to an unmicrophoned guy in an auditorium.
The animation and artwork, such as there was, wasn't all that great.
Overall... Eh, decent, but not worthy of a top score.
The bad audio was intentional.
Animation... I could have done better, but I actually made the movie in about thirty minutes. That also was halfways intentional then.
My review.
Audio hurt my ears cause it was scratchy animation was meh ok... 4 out of 10
Sucks to be you.