It was pretty awesome
It was a good idea, and the glasses filling up would make a pretty epic loading bar
just some lame water animation i did in animation class. nothing special. i know its badly done, it was done in about an hour, with a sub-par partner. whatever. crappy scores will be accepted.
It was pretty awesome
It was a good idea, and the glasses filling up would make a pretty epic loading bar
ooh good idea...ill keep that in mind :)
This thing was epic
I love you and this thing. I want you in the butt.
i want you too Joe.
Madness01 the point was to demonstrate his talents with conceiving Waternimation, which he is very good at however the film simply loops consecutively causing redundancy. It's also obvious as to how you created this as the changes in the carpet indicate. Due to a lack of content I don't think your efforts will be well received however I was impressed with your work despite repetition.
i didnt put any REAL effort into this. it was done in about an hour. i know its sloppy, and if i was trying harder and didnt have an incompetent partner, i could have done better.
WatAre You Talking About lol Watar
I enjoyed it alot I obnce say this thing in Japan where they made water look like stuff as the water fall was going down It was Awsome who knows You might become da King Of Watermation the Way Knox became king of ClayMatiion ;D you keep it up Dude your well on your way to something wonderful mah boi x3
wow. a reference to Knox in a review on one of my pieces. i feel so honoured XD
I do not see the point in this...
there wasnt a point. it was just a simple stop motion animation.