You are sooo good at stickfights. You rock! That was awesome dude.
Stikmen fight in ghostfight style I'm sorry about that it's so short but there is alot of movements and effects that I was bound to do!Thanks to ThePsychoSheep for help!
i hope you like that I was warking hard on but I can say that is far away from the best of me!!!THNX to all of you!!!
You are sooo good at stickfights. You rock! That was awesome dude.
id give it a 10 but......
id give it a 10 but i dont understand why a dude saying SHUT UP! will make them stop anyways good action good battle keep up the good work just make it a little longer next time please
It was the best flash movie i ever saw!!!!!! your a god to me :D
hmmm... interesting...
look at me, im talking smart :P
anyway, nice aniamtion and also - Quote: Thanks to ThePsychoSheep for help and Flamingskull1 for the music!
- im not flamingskull1 everywhere... liek for instance here im ghostflames, edit into something like "flamingskull1 aka ghostflames"
whatever shut up man.... :D
good idea
yet it's to short it could use alot more action more place and more time to work on it.