mmmm efx's
great efx's thats about it make a movie and maybe give you a vote i won't give it anything cuz it seems like something you just wanted to show off
Short animation...
mmmm efx's
great efx's thats about it make a movie and maybe give you a vote i won't give it anything cuz it seems like something you just wanted to show off
nice but
need to add more images to make the transition smoother but good job man
Forget the Loop and Make a Story
Great Idea, the title had me going, but you need more to make it really something!
Things you should know
I like the background, I like the character, and I like the effects. But here is some critic that I hope you can learn from. One look at reference when you are drawing out a pose. The kick in the air no way anyone can hold that with his weight and center so far off balance. Two instead of just doing two images for your animation you should have done at least three. What you need is one in between. It would have been more believable if you added a motion blur frame at least. Something that tricks the eye into believing it saw something when it actually did not.
Good animation with some kwl graphical stuff. look forward to a feature length movie!