that character is so powerful, that he could manipulate reality and logic at will :o
A cartoon which was inspired by a song which was inspired by Neskin. Today, Neskin takes a stroll in the village he calls home!
Music Credits:
'Happy Families' - Sam Fonteyn
'StrollyNes' - Adam McSweeney
that character is so powerful, that he could manipulate reality and logic at will :o
Pretty hilarious really good work with this
A dark and amusing flash!
Been a while since I reviewed anything here, good to see that Neskin's been up to some good ol' terror and chaos lately!
I always find joy in watching Neskin when he is introduced into a new situation, and to think that a simple stroll down the road could turn into something so violent and crazy, this says a lot about what Neskin seems to stand for, when it comes to what genre he symbolizes as well as the effect he has on the environment he's put into.
I can't wait to see more of Neskin, I have a lot to catch up on, but with this one, very nice work, and the shattering of the typical stroll down town into such a display of carnage was a pleasant switch from every day monotony.
- Burin
An exceptional music score, well matched to the visuals. Your animation and art have maintained their unique look. I'm not sure what I was supposed to get out of this episode though. It was cool to just watch Neskin be Neskin for two episodes, but you'll need to do a bit more with the character in the future. This episode didn't make me laugh at all the way the last two did, but maybe you were going for a different effect this time around. I just don't want this to become another Brackenwood, where I just watch Neskin's daily shenanigans without him really DOING anything. I love seeing him interact with people, and I think the lack of interaction is what took away heavily from this episode, removing his character. Also, I liked it better when the townspeople treat him like a normal guy. The surrealism and strangeness are amplified by that inexplicable trust.
His friendliness is so charming in it's own sick little way. Take advantage of it.
Thank you very much for that review, it's really helpful! This one started out as a little project between major Neskin projects, but it turns out no cartoon can ever be a small project and it quickly grew to take just as much time to do as the last one.
The next cartoon on the list is the second episode of 'Friendly Nes', where Neskin will definately be getting quite 'hands on' with a family living in a quaint suburban neighbourhood.
Thanks again for the review man, I'll keep you posted when the next Nestoon arrives!
Really Creepy, but still good