it was enter taining but
i kind of feel that the characters did'nt really use enough hand gestures while they were talking
KR47 episode 13. In this episode, Chris Lowe, from the live-action movie, returns, playing himself this time, along with live-action movie director, Pete Cappuccia, also playing himself.
Thanks for the front page!
it was enter taining but
i kind of feel that the characters did'nt really use enough hand gestures while they were talking
Fat Guy Strangler Needs An Appearance
The only good things were the end and when they were like "Who the fuck are you?" to that guy. So it was ok I guess. IMVTNG0YOOSUCK!!! Er...yeah...Ignore that.
very nice, all, check that link on the end; 15+ episodes.
Like the humor, and the way those fatguys dissing that blonde.
Ok ok..
I thought it was pretty funny at the beginning. I chuckled when the "fat" dudes in black owned that blond dude. Over all i'd have to say.. you had me then you Slooowly lost me, but it wasn't bad over all. I think if you made a part 2 and maybe did more with the story then you'd have something going.
Maybe some other people are into this kind of comedy, but that's not me. I really didn't find any of them "jokes" even, just a conversation about nothing much without any real conflict. I found my attention slipping half-way through onto a plastic cap to my bottle of water, of which held my interest until the talking stopped. The animation must have been quite easy since the only real moving parts were taking a few steps and talking. All in all it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that great either.