Transformers The Movie Parody Trailer
This is actually the first scene without dialogue. I just want to see if I'm wasting my time working on this. Serious feedback only please. I know I suck, and my mamma and all that, so save it. This my first attempt an an actual movie so my graphics are a little heavy. I'm running a P4 and have no drag but if the movie does drag toggle the quality to medium or low in extreme cases.
I like!
I think it's lookin' good! Finish it, please ^^
its great. you should get transformers the game.
i am a big fan of transformers
it looks great
it looks really good gave it a five ill be looking out for the first part. also i love the art work
This is a great start!
If you do the whole movie, that would be sweet. I like how its turning out. I would like to see Prime shot hot rod. Hot Rod is cool and all but he lead to primes down fall. So he sucks in my book. Anyways good luck with making the movie.
BTW how far are you?