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Finally got my wacom tablet, Its only been around five days, so I'm still getting used to it. Anyway, here is my first movie with it. Its an insight to the inner workings of personified fruit.

The music was played by me a while ago with an incredibly untuned guitar.
Tune your guitars kids.

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I liked it, enough randomness and seizure lights to kill a man.

I really liked the rough style you used. Having just acquired a wacom it must have been tempting to go wild with it. And it paid off. Also liked the really smooth animation. Quite good on the whole.

The music was quite amazing, the out of tuned sound just suited the complete nonsensical visual experience.

Overall I really liked it. A nice short and a good way to show the world what you can do with a tablet. Great job. Look forward to seeing more

=Review Request Club=


I think that this piece has great potential to be something much more than you currently have. You don't really have much of a plot, but it is something that can be worked on, as the tune that you started with is pretty good until you reach the trippy bit towards the end.

I think that it was going well until you decided to reverse, which just seemed like a bit of an animation cheat to me, so it needs to be taken further and given more form - give the guy arms and give him some sort of purpose that he can be used with on the whole scale of things.

A good start, but it needs a little more.

[Review Request Club]


Visuals: Smooth and well drawn not to mention very creative and kept me entertained for a few watches

Audio: I'm not good at picking out an instrument that's out of tune so it sounded pretty decent to me, it went well with the animation, and was kind of catchy

Overall: There was no story to speak of, which is understandable as this is only a test, and I thought this was very original, it takes talent to draw and animate like that and to come up with such strange pieces is beyond me, great work

.:Review Request Club:.


It's a very interesting flash. I like your drawings a lot. They look very clean and the animations also look very nice and smooth.

The tune you played fitted very good to this flash, even though it IS highly dissonant. ^^

Too bad that this flash is so short and doesn't offer a "real" plot, though. But I guess that is because you are still testing your tablet.

{ Review Request Club }

Pretty cool

The animation is nice and clean. There was no story but it was good enough to keep me watching.
The musics ok but yah tune your guitar a bit although it doesnt sound too bad as it is.

I'm guessing this is just a test thing so I know you'll make better stuff but still well done for the good animation. I'd still watch it over some noobs stick animation that he spent ages on.

Review Request Club

Credits & Info

3.91 / 5.00

Sep 9, 2008
11:05 PM EDT