was this just practice? it was nothing... even though the music was good
Do it bitches
EDIT: Guys I was just trollin' why did this pass judgement?
was this just practice? it was nothing... even though the music was good
Operation P.H. is over.
Sorry, but this just made my head hurt! next time make something more interactiver or not so many flashing colors.
Very /B/
I liked the Afro Lazor dude; he was pretty well done. That aside, the subject matter did get boring after a while; it's the sort of thing you'd put on your personal webpage but not in your personal showcase.
And good job not making it too epilepsy-incuding.
Good animation.
I also like the face on the guy, but this is the basic style in which spam flashes are made, hence the low score. Since it looks like you made an effort, let me offer you a suggestion: Add more stuff to the video, don't just have it stop in 1 spot. I know you can do it.