You're insanely awesome.
Palabra a tu madre.
sup? loop!
You're insanely awesome.
Palabra a tu madre.
I love this.
I love this. Pretty much everyone I know loves this also, because of the fact that the "PENIS" has a face and the song fits perfectly with the little animation. It is a fun little shortie and deserves a much better score than this, simply because it's more fun than many other parodies which has 3-4 scores.
Please don't shun the dick jokes!
like the dude before there are many movies with COCK JOKES which are meant to be funny not gay so i think this is funny and a nice flash not meant for the young'ns i might add LOl
Oh wow
This wasn't made to be gay guys it was made to be just for lols, kinda like some of the tankmen parodies.
Anyway your aniamtion was slightly choppy, your cartoon likeness drawing skills and face'al expression where flawless XD.
It was pretty well synced but could have been exicuted alittle better along with mabe high quality adou.
Work alittle on your animation and syncing and you'll have it down.
BTW i am not useing this comment as a responce to al the negitive ones but morly help this movie get some better crit rather than useless and abusive comments :P
at least you got it! and thanks :)