hello, i'm here not to learn about how to animate someone running, but to post something about the absurd nature of the comments you make for other peoples well put together movies and games that you seem to have no care for. you say this took 5 minutes to put together, then why the hell are you putting it up in the first place? there are a thousand other places to find something like this on the internet. do not be so ignorant to think that because you have some fancy knowledge on the subject that you can put all 5 minutes of your work up here to post to everyone, and then go criticise other people's amazing pieces of work that took them most likely months and months of hard work. nothing in flash goes by in 5 minutes, and certainly nothing worth putting up on newgrounds should take no less than hours to accomplish, and should be more like weeks or even up to a year to complete. congratulations to your achievement, but go put in a few hours of work before you put up anything again on newgrounds, show some real work first. or at least post a predone version of what you want to submit in the forums first and get other people's opinions, on whether or not they would want to see it in the portal, before you actually post. still, good luck to you, but again-don't be so hypocritical on newgrounds. people hate that, especially when your portfolio only retains this silly piece of 7 frames.