Spiderman, spiderman UUUGH!
After playing with my twin boys one day I seen how much I could get them laughing with the spiderman toy so I got my digital camera and tried to record this while getting them laughing. The camera is quite shaky because I was recording it with my left hand holding the camera and my right hand with the spiderman toy in it, lol. Hopefully you get as good of laugh out of it as I did.
Spiderman, spiderman UUUGH!
Newgrounds is for cartoons, art and games
Sorry but I don't find Newgrounds a place to post videos like that. Try YouTube.
Try it on youtube
it's ok to submit movies onto newgrounds, but this is good for Youtube not newgrounds.
Siperman Baby?
Very funny indeed but still I think it would be better to upload it to youtube or whatever. :P
Just post it on youtube.
Newgrounds is for flash...