This made me very sad
It's still pretty good and funny though. Your other videos are great as well.
right it only took me an hour mainly cause of a sleep over and want it done as fast as possible so don't complain about the visuals even though it gets more detailed as it goes on but just injoy it :) not ment to be anything specail just funny
This made me very sad
It's still pretty good and funny though. Your other videos are great as well.
My eyes! my eyes! ive gone blind!
i think i lost mysight during the fight scene. I want compensation damn you!
Loved it
I really enjoyed this, did you make up the narration first and then decide on what animation to use afterwards? I think it works well :)
well the randomness was funny at times, and the ending was interesting with the whole back to start thing. Um... other than that though everything else wasnt that great. You said you did it in an hour and just rushed through it so i think you know the problems with it already. other than that there really is nothing else to add.
The sound was awful. Ig comadia was some what fun at times. I couldn't get myself to waitch it all the way though, it got to boring. For the most part its isn;t trash but its not the best.