Some elements made me smile.
I actually really liked your graphics - with the simple shapes of the car etc.
The sign for 'camp boring' really didn't fit though - neither the thin lines, nor the style of shape. Elsewhere, you have these sorta flat abstract shapes that look like a cheap cartoon from the 60s and so the 'proper' 3D shape looks kinda odd.
I think you need to work on keeping a consistent line width, maybe embrace the abstract shapes you've made and work on refining your style.
And don't use square-edged letters - the sans-serif rounded fonts you use work way better.
The story itself made me smile. Specially the son's sarcastic voice.
The whole thing could have been better presented though. The way the presence of the rafting, archery and bonfire lighting were introduced was a bit odd - up until then, it was as if they were all alone.
Also, in the end, with a comment like that, I feel that such a horrible dad would probably slap the son, or at least grumble 'shut up'.
Maybe focus more on realising the characters rather than making funny jokes at the expense of continuity?
I look forward to your future stuff.