Oh my
They should put that on TV. It'd catch more attention, and possibly cause seizures, LISTEN TO THEM, AIDS ARE BAD OHGOD.
Nice work though, on the intro.
Celebrating 200 years of the AIDS.
Much love,
Grumio and Caecilius <3
Oh my
They should put that on TV. It'd catch more attention, and possibly cause seizures, LISTEN TO THEM, AIDS ARE BAD OHGOD.
Nice work though, on the intro.
I can't decide
whether the first one was the best flash on Newgrounds or whether this sequel is the best flash on Newgrounds
I don't know about Grumio, but I personally like this one better.
I was only listening to this one, and I like the song. Ripped from Family Guy, correct?
I also like how you took that little theme thing from Donkey Kong, good memories.
Work on the buttons - we don't like clickong on text.
Yes, its from family guy. About the buttons... yeah we got a little lazy. We'll fix it on the AIDS Collab III.
Wish there was more to it, but still funny. =P
C'mon now
This is such a waste of talent. I know you two are capable of doing something more creative than this. Don't waste your potential.
This isn't our real talent. This is our excess talent that we shit into the Newgrounds Portal Toilet.