A- for effort
Why did that green character (Waterbee) sound like Vinnie Barberino from Welcome back Kotter? LOL What did he say? What ever was meant to be conveyed by this clip was completely ambiguos. I'm still scratching my head..
Meet Waterbee and his sideburnded colleague in their first animation.
A- for effort
Why did that green character (Waterbee) sound like Vinnie Barberino from Welcome back Kotter? LOL What did he say? What ever was meant to be conveyed by this clip was completely ambiguos. I'm still scratching my head..
No plot, awful animation, and I couldn't understand anything that was said.
not good at all
not funny and very annoying bad animation.
hmmm Dont get it
needs Ummm a story as well as more character Structure and well more animating when it comes to motion and.... The Bigest thing... SIDE BURNS ARE AWSOME!