nothing to see here. move along
uhhhhhhh it's very scarry
And it's totaly out of sync
nothing to see here. move along
this was my first true flash ya' know
the voices are extreemly choppy and sound very out of place and loud if you were to re do this flash i would reccomend you up the graphics and the voice quality (mostly the voice).
You certainly have an original style. I was like wtf for most of the video but laughed when michael jackson randomly pops up
Michael Jackson died today...
your characters are in some serious drugs.
you know drugs are bad. They cause you damage in so many ways. personally i get violent when i drink. i fight too much. im glad i dont do it often lol
that was scarry!...
...scarrily bad! come on guys. you sounded like you were 12 years old and had nothing better to do than play with a microphone for the first time with another person. the animation was underpar, but you can actually draw and sorta animate! thats a plus: if you work at it, who knows, you could get alot accomplished. but this just sucked. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E