I don't have any idea how you designed something, THIS GREAT.
Current Score: 1.67 / 5.00 (+ 0.040) 5/5 for the absolute god of all flash animations.
I no longer trust phones, phones are evil! This is why!
Laugh if you must but try to learn something form this...
wow! didn't get blammed! Come on turd of the week ^^
I don't have any idea how you designed something, THIS GREAT.
Current Score: 1.67 / 5.00 (+ 0.040) 5/5 for the absolute god of all flash animations.
This is not really anything
this is just spam nothing more than that; its pointless
That is true, but thats the point of it :D
Ninth Time Today!
I know, now everywhere is infected by Mr. gayballs
im srry but u fail....
for 1 i dont think phones play some song that has a 20 year old with a 40 year old voice and also if u gana make a flash about phones being evil make the phone hurt ppl like biting there hand off as soon as some1 goes to touch it not make them sick to there stomache
someone got me by phone you see.... and no one on newgrounds expected it either
Gah I hate gettin Rick Rolled
Well way to ruin my day Asshole. Save the Rick Roll for home. Next time maybe try something else.