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Toast ep#1

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Word up Newgrounds!!!

follow the crazy adventures of a graffiti artist named Toast!!

also watch and vote, on YouTube:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=T 8-Qq2G_niY

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That was pretty good. The animation let it down a little, but other than that it was swell.

Nice Job!

Kick-ass dude! Perhaps with more time & resources you could have worked on relatively minor discrepancies such as sound synch. What really pulled it together for me though was the writing (concept & plot) and the voice acting (characters). Clearly, this proves once again that witty, original, clean humour, reigns supreme over crude 'dick & fart' jokes (not that those aren't funny sometimes...), of which today's comedy is over-saturated with. I'm looking forward to see what the rest of this series has to offer, so keep it up!

LOL wtf ?

Im Gona Kill you till you die !

LOL ?!

Okay i guess

reminds me of a grafitti artist in another game that his name starts with a letter T
Okay but it's stupid that the police cant see toast on top of that building
But in all it's okay none the less

DegenerateMedia responds:

yeah i meant to make it really dark, so he was "hidden in the night" but turning the dark tint up really took away from the characters and the BG,

But c'mon, marc ecko's "trane" character has got nothing on Toast !!!!


i liked it very much! its a pretty simple kinda stupid animation buts its my type i liked when the tin man gets sad, just to know how much did it take u?

DegenerateMedia responds:

it took about 3 weeks for the storyboard, and recording.. but i threw the animation together in a little under a week.

Credits & Info

4.06 / 5.00

Aug 21, 2008
2:04 AM EDT