Zombies are fun!
I hope your zombie series won't put my zomby series too much to shame... hope all goes well!
the preview
dont forget to ...review
and yes, will ryan and mike swain are voicing in the next episode
need to contact swain though...gotta get those mp3's
Zombies are fun!
I hope your zombie series won't put my zomby series too much to shame... hope all goes well!
I can't belive wii ryans in it XD
hooray :P
Cant wait man :D
And you even added my voices in, thats awesome :P
and the guy 2 reviews below me who said I sound like the caperpiller from alice in wonderland, I checked it out and my voice is deeper and faster :)
O_0 Random but funny...
Was that supposed to be some kind of intro or.....I didn't even know where you were trying to go with it, and that one guy sounded like the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.