interesting but.
intresting but its only a trailer.
Full name: Ultimate Cliche Guide Trailer.
This is a trailer for a flash movie that I have been working on for a while, but have recently fallen a bit slack on the animating front. So, to prove I was dedicated to the job, I have created a trailer.
This movie will be my first proper, plotted flash..but anyways, I won't ramble on about the movie this is advertising, I'll save that for the movie itself....
interesting but.
intresting but its only a trailer.
thanks for the review
This isn't even advertising
all you showed was a plane flying and a dude taking a step. If you've been working on this for a while then don't you have something to show that will at least tell us more about it? Like what it's about maybe?
I have LOTS more, but to make it a proper trailer, I can't just show everything I have..not much actually worked with the trailer..and I havn't got to the good bit in my flash yet....
i guess its pretty good gave it 3/5
k thanks