awesome!! coolest movie ever since the 1960's
Edit: Wow, this didn't get blammed. I guess sometimes you just get lucky.
This is my third submission. I'd like to hear what you all like and don't like about this. I'll try to improve in any later submissions. Enjoy.
Animation: Da-Arwin
The Fall of Troy - The Adventures of Allen Gordon
The Fall of Troy - Ghostship Part IV
awesome!! coolest movie ever since the 1960's
Thanks... I feel a bit differently, but I can't argue with someone who gave me a 10/10.
I made a little flash with some guy who shoots lazers outa his eyes!
INSTANT 10/10 =D
Thanks, the only reason I made him shoot lasers is because I was to lazy to animate him punching, but all is well that ends well I guess.
File size too big for the content!
8.6MB! just for that! This flash generally needs everything to be better. It was too short, there was little and poor animation and the graphics were bad awsell. Try practicing how to animate different things like fights before you submit something else. Also try using an music editing software to shorten the music down so it reduces the file size.
The file size was large because I didn't bother editing the music, and I made it top quality sound files or something like that. But yeah, I'll try to work harder on my next submission.
Sort and Bad
THe Stick Hero. Why is the "H" in the name with casp lock. You should check stuff like that before you post a flash supmission.
To the feedback.. Im not the big stickman fan. and especialy not stickman fighting game/movies. But this one of one of the baddest one I have seen. Its was a waaay to short. And the graphic wasent really good. the graphic aint really good in any stickman movie, but this one of terribel.
The only good things I can say is The gunshots in the movie was OK, good deyail the the marks in the wall when they hit. And the Robot outside the building of allso ok.
Im sorry for blameing your flash supmission, but it really wasent good.
Thanks for the feedback... I'm surprised this thing didn't get blammed. And I agree with you on pretty much everything... except the gunshots... I felt I did horrible on those, but hey, I guess they're fine.
where the other ones this terrible?
Worse, actually.