This was a clever movie you have here, There was some inspriring animation in this, and hile I do say that there was some areas of the flash that can be made to run and look better even more on a sharper and smoother feel, but I will for sure touch on those areas abit later. This was was hard to understand so maybe some subtitles and a stop action code would stop the looping, it was south park likeness but I enjoyed the humor of this There was alot of great things in this flash, some could be better like some little details here and there, but not much but still some stuff could take a looking into as suggested of course, the flash itself kept me interested and wanting to see more, so hope to see more of your works sometime soon. Untill then keep up the awsome work and efforts.
Ok here is where I can try and help from time to time, maybe we can find some ideas and cross the thresh hold and even go beyond, but lets see what comes to mind. I like when these guys get "ANGRY" but ad a little detail maybe a sprinkle in the eyes or something, also adding some subtitles would be nice. also it loops you may want to ad a "STOP-ACTION-CODE"