It looked like you had fun making it, and some bits were really good, but the idea was boring.
My name is ZShadow, creator of Phantom and V videos. I created this movie series out of the simple question "Hmm.. who would win in a fight... Phantom of the Opera and V for Vendetta or (insert your favorite movie character here)." Here you will find some FUNNY animations. Stupid, but funny.
All animations were made on Paint and Windows Movie Maker. I don't intend on using Flash any time soon. Though it may be crispier and cleaner, I can't stop what makes my videos funny. Crappy animation.
So enjoy! Feel free to stop by my site. Remember... you will laugh... a lot.
It looked like you had fun making it, and some bits were really good, but the idea was boring.
what is it I'll give it a review rating of 5
Funniest thing was the Phangirls, that was so retarded it was funny. It's amazing how things work o_o