HA HA that was great!
That was really good keep up the great work
Smiley was ere
This movie is the product of a few weeks of hard work. About 1 week of drawing and getting every thing together, about 4 days of animating, and a day for the audio track. I would like to thank every one involved in it. You are in the end credits some where if you did something for the movie. Thanks, and enjoy.
Note: Alot of people told me they couldn't hear the audio that well. So just turn your speakers up a little so you can hear and when the flash is over turn them back down before you go back to the portal or else you will get a loud rocking feeling when the portal music kicks in.
HA HA that was great!
That was really good keep up the great work
Smiley was ere
That was neat flash you made it made me smile seeing clock people do a forest gump movie. lol
I loved it. Forest Gump is a great movie... and so is yours! Keep up the good work! -David Mancini
I <3 new reviews. Especially since I don't get many any more. Although that is probably due to the lack of me submitting stuff. Thx for the approving review! <3
That was cool..
That one was sweet. I like how well it follows the movie. I was wrong about ya before.
Run FrankClock...
Wow, that was almost exactly like the movie! Very good job at keeping it true to the original. Very funny as well.