gOO D effort
Good Ol Hockey Game, And Canada Is The Champs! ITS ALL ABOUT THE SONG! GOT TO JIG TO IT ahHAah
gOO D effort
where is YOUR work?
obviously you didnt write this song and slapping two or three pictures doesnt constitute as a decent flash in my book. try cutting out the people from the pictures and messing around with some motion tweening. you can check out lessons in the help tab at the top of the flash MX window. good luck on your resubmission
^^Good Points^^
Sorry, I can't in my right mind give this any points.
^^Needs Improving^^
What is this movie? A slideshow of pictures you didn't take and a song that you didn't create either. You did nothing with this movie besides steal some images and put them to some song that you didn't credit. I'm sorry. Do some work next time and maybe I will be able to give you some points.
Great song, great team! goood Flash
this song rocks
This song rocks!Go Canada!By the way most of the flash has only the picture of Mario Lemuix