Clayrific! Not bad for first clay animation. Akward thought!
Drink A Milkshake!
Clayrific! Not bad for first clay animation. Akward thought!
Think i going to rate a ball and the thing F U C K I T
it was my first time making an animation out of clay so give me a break.
That didn't make any sense. I'm sorry, but if you are going to animate using clay, you should at least have it make sense. You may as well have had a milkshake sitting there, that would have been funnier, and more logical.
When capturing frames, be more careful.
it was my first try making a animation using clay i'll try better next time.
Richard cheese ;]
Yes its by richard cheese
Not that bad for your first....
i've seen better but like arfles said not sure exactly sure wat the animation had to do with the song or what those little balls rolling arouund where but it amused me SOMEWHAT....
thanks and i dont know what the balls rolling around are either it was the only thing i could think of at the time.