Awesome effects
This is the tale of Leroy and the Magical Pumpkin.
Sorry about the filezise.
To be honest I dont have a lot to say about this at the moment.
FWI - The fight scene near the end isnt meant to be an action-packed sorta thing, its meant to be more comical to a degree. Enjoy!
Awesome effects
Lol, its funny!
I love the drawing style, though the sock puppet need alil bit improvement...
Leroy to me r a sick, sick, sick duck or whatever he is. LOL
That sock gave him the worse idea, man! xD
Fun, Funny & Funnier
I've waited for this movie to be release. And thank god it is now release! LOL. It's quite awhile since I watch the last demo from u. Anyway, the animation are smooth. You might want to focus on your background on the next one tho..
Good job, dude.
i enjoy
this is very well done and looks like it could be a good series you had a good plot and the charactors had some buliding in the story to. Good to throw in a Cactor in the vegetable contest lol <(-_0<)
its meant to have a little bit of a wtf factor =P
thanks for the review.
That was a very...strange piece. But refreshing. I especially liked the end scene- did you use the background from the flash "Tropic Thunder" on purpose?
as for the background, i cant say I've ever seen that flash, i just typed "beach" into a google image search.
thanks for the review.