Good but...
The voices were hard to hear and the flash was hard to understand. Other than that, good. Overall 7.
this is, i think, my 3d flash.
i have been doing alot of music lately.
so no new stuff,put somthing old up.
Good but...
The voices were hard to hear and the flash was hard to understand. Other than that, good. Overall 7.
Not Bad
Dont really get the cat getting the rat thing but the music is quite catchy :)
I could not hear a single word.
How the hell did you find that song?
Bev got a rat today? Ok... dunno why I need to know, but I'm excited nonetheless :].
I love this movie. It's so cute, very light-hearted ^.^ . The hobos (those lovable hobos!) are very cute. Kudos, mate. A great job :P.
Pretty good.
The drawings are good, there's clearly effort put into it, and the animation is smooth.
The song itself is pretty hard to understand, adding subtitles would really improve it and illustrate how the song and cartoon are related.