Really good but they talk too long.
Hey everybody, Tom here, yet again we're giving you pure gold :) this is a little project that me and Dan came up with in about 2 or 3 days and hope you enjoy, this is more of a sequel to our previous submission "An iPhone Commercial" Credits to me for the epic voiceover but apart from that it was completely Dan :)
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EDIT : Here's the link to the Original Commercial tch?v=e26WyHPBgng
Really good but they talk too long.
"No, this was not made by apple!"
dun dunnnnnnn dunnnnnnnnnnn lol
Ker Boot to the face
Lol so true. sorry if i you did mention this but you left out the lack of a better speaker on a MUSIC PHONE.
I love samsaung.... Very nice Flash =D
Pretty cool, the animation and graphics were really good, and pretty funny aswell. Overall 8.