One of the first Dragon Ball related flash on Newgronds, but not so special.
uuh my first flash move, i couldn't think of anything to do so i made this,i'll beat it'll be at the bottem of the list =)
One of the first Dragon Ball related flash on Newgronds, but not so special.
Lame, what was that
One of the first stickman Newgrounds flashes. It's a bit of a mess though. It is based on Dragonball Z. The art is simple as you would expect but the animation is too fast. You can hardly follow what's going on before it ends. There is also no sound. Sub-par overall.
not bad
needs more work
but this is a fine specimen of a stick figure fight
Wow that's like...Classic Newgrounds bad. I mean Dragonball sticks like this would actually be considered a top notch title. Then again what do you expect it;s 12 years old not like this review is helpuing out but at least I can use this as a "Proof of watch" token.