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The One Day Collab

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Animators had 1 day to create an animation on space, here is the turnout! There may be a lack of parts, but oh well, i can't help it if no one's free. Enjoy it, we put a lot of work into it.

EDIT: Fixed all bugs

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CrabPope was the best, he rlz, but you can not give to animators only 1 day!

chunkycheese12 responds:

I made it a day so i could give animators a challenge and see the turnout


I would have joined if I saw something saying
"Animators Wanted One Day Collab"
I did like this considering it took one day

chunkycheese12 responds:

It was in the forums, i gave a day's notice!


When i first saw the comments for this i was thinking people where just being assholes and i figured i would give it a try and hopefully help your score but i cant find something to build upon except i think it was better that you put pope at the end because it made the whole flash better no offense but the whole one day thing is dumb because people can do that and your blaming the one day for your bad presentation when its yalls fault work harder better score sorry i wanted to give a good score but i cant find the courage to lie to you.

chunkycheese12 responds:

Well, there have been many decent five hour collabs, but my one just happened when no one was on the forum so i didn't get many parts.

If anything this is overrated....

I feel bad for crabppope seeing as his part was the only good one and everything else fell way flat. Even worse is that you put his part at the end.

The animation for all the other parts was sloppy and not very intersting either. If anything, this is overrated.

chunkycheese12 responds:

You were the last person i would probably want to hear it from. I might actually delete this, not only because for crabPope but beacuse no one came on and joined, so we only ended up with 4 parts (in fact, i got crabPope when i reposted the thread because I got 3 people :/)

All over the place

The overall quality was all over the place, and fairly average. Try to be more selective in the artists you pick.

chunkycheese12 responds:

I didn't pick the artists. I can't help it if no one is sending me parts.

Credits & Info

2.96 / 5.00

Jul 26, 2008
3:02 PM EDT