Pretty good animation along with a bit of comedy. Worth four stars in my opinion,
woo, for all the people who have oblivion and noticed its quirks. Still rather short. I wanted to get it finished though because Im going to thailand for ten weeks tomorrow.
The catalyst of this cartoon was being hailed as being a year to late. I don't exactly see how that really matters since games from the eighties can be parodied no problem without people crying about how old it is. meh, rant /over
Woot. Thanks for all the "reviews" everyone. and giving it a score it hardly deserved. Daily fourth. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Cheers Marsume for the water effect.
Pretty good animation along with a bit of comedy. Worth four stars in my opinion,
was i supposed to laugh?
Not if you didn't want to.
great animation,just in what program have u made it?
Uh. Flash, Like every other cartoon on this Flash site.
XD halarious
turn left, pick up the skull mother-fucker. lol
i liked the physics part :D