This is the best ever.
I mean, this guy is sooo awesome. Thanks though for doing this!
Just some of my pivots
Thanks to ghostflames for flashing them for me, the whole thing is very short and is very hard to find audio to match it good, and he did a pretty DAMN GOOD JOB !
Its short, but i hope u enjoy it =)
This is the best ever.
I mean, this guy is sooo awesome. Thanks though for doing this!
that is my dude for a min. i think u stolen it from him or from we when i show u the joint beacuse i see the part of the joint and i say in my mind "Sh*t my mot*er Fu**er stolen my partnior animations ".. kinda stupid but must say ti :D Rockss \m/ (-_-) \m/
I didn't understand a word u just said and i dont know if its from the bad grammar or it just made no scence, anyway, what is stolen ? what r u talking about i can asure u those r his animations and he hasnt stolen them i personaly flashed them ?
- ghostflames
aaaaaaah how i miss those days
glad that someone apriciates pivot... unlike a lot of other newgrounds...
- ghostflames
I'm not alone!
Hey! You do pivots too!
ummm yeah a lot of people make pivots, there are a lot of pivots here on NG and 95% are noobs and are the people who give pivot a bad name ! me and killers123 are some of NG's decent pivoteers... atleast i think so - judging by what i've seen
- ghostflames
Why not make a collection on newgrounds for pivot flashs any that was kinda cool!!!!
i know i still wonder ? i make pivots too u can take a look at my submissions im pretty good at pivot too =)